Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Manila - City of Billboards & an Unlikely Shoppers Paradise

I’ve visited Manila plenty of times – A regular, if you will – and each time I return home, I pay a significant amount for excess baggage.

Yes... it is a pretty unconventional place to shop, especially since you don’t really hear all that much about it in the first place. I was lucky enough to have relatives who love having me around, so I’ve spent a considerable amount of time there on holiday.

For all you readers who swear by Bangkok, Singapore or even Malaysia, I assure you, there’s no better place to enjoy some retail therapy than the Philippines. There are numerous places to see and so very many opportunities for shopping to cater to any individual taste- at a price that’s hard to beat. What’s best about shopping here is that a lot of the clothes, shoes and accessories available are not usually found in other popular South Asian shopping destinations.

To Read More, Click Here


  1. Usually fashion thats available in the philippines is an indicator of the fashion that may end up in our part of the world in a few months or a year.

  2. That is so true.. Philippines is truly a great place to go shopping.. the styles are really great forecast of the next big trends.
